Friday, December 19, 2008

To Tech or Not To Tech

God, I can't believe I murdered that line from Hamlet in my title. Probably the most overused phrase from classic literature. I think my personal motto is actually "to eat or not to eat". Well, who I am kidding? It's "to eat". Oh, it could be "a burrito by anyother name is (still) to eat". And if you didnt get that reference, go back and read Romeo and Juliet. You know, by the old dead british author that everybody loves and not everyone has read. Or if you have, you probably pretend to understand everything he is saying, but you need a old english to text-message dictionary.

I actually love Shakespeare. Im a big fan. But I dont even understand what my British husband is saying half of the time. How could I understand everything that some dude wrote hundreds of years ago?Actually, I am a huge huge fan of classic literature. Not like it's any of your business or like you care. But I am. And I am the fan of obscure Russian realistic literature. Like Crime and Punishment. Ok, maybe there is like one other person out there like me. His name might be Mikkel.

Have you ever noticed that, when you order food to be delivered, just about everyone answering the phone at a restaurant has a heavy accent? Even if the food is American apple pie and burgers. The phone answerer will still have an accent. Interesting... So, when applying for this job, do you check a box on the application form that says, yes, I do have an accent? Or do you slowly develop one after a few days or weeks of answering the phone? Does it have to relate to the kind of food that you are ordering? I have heard Spanish accents at Chinese restaurants and Chinese accents at Mexican restaurants, so I think not...

I know that when I used to answer phones, for my teenage low wage job that I had to pay for my Sheakspeare books, I used to put on different fake accents when I was bored. So the same person could call back three times in a row and get three different accents. One time I was Southern, another time I was Spanish, another time I was French... man, the time passed by so quickly that they felt like 45 minutes instead of a whole hour! I am soooo glad that I dont work for minimum wage anymore. Now I just beg for my money like a good graduate student....

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