Monday, April 13, 2009

Conficker Eye Chart

The dreaded Conficker worm is back to destroy innocent hard drives. This is the malware that was also known as the April Fools (April 1st) Virus. It was supposed to cripple the internet. Which all worms/viruses/trojans swear they will do. And, again, nothing big happened. HOWEVER, worms/viruses/trojans still can destory many many computers in a blink of an eye.
What does a worm, like Conficker, do? It allows Hackers to steal sensitive information from your computer. Like bank account information, usernames, passwords, credit card numbers. Well, you think you don't store that information on your computer. HA! Everytime you press a key and type information in, it is stored somewhere in your computer, if only for a little while.

This is why you MUST run firewall and antimalware programs. Conkicker, itself, actually exploits a hole in the Windows operating system, which was fixed in October. You may still have the holey-version, but with a quick download of the update from the Microsoft site, you are good to go.

How do you know if you have already been infected with the Conficker worm? Try the Conficker Eye Chart. If you can see all the images in the chart then your computer is probably clean with no viruses. If you are having trouble seeing some of them, I strongly recommend that you run a viurus scan.

If you are infected with the Conficker worm I suggest a few steps to take: 1) pray, 2) don't email me or anyone else until your computer is fixed, 3) turn off your computer. don't even check your email first, 4) call that nerdy guy you went to college with and cry until he fixes the problem.

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